What’s up, bitches and sluts? It’s been a while since my last actual blog, so I have lots to chat about today. Catch up with me.
First thing’s first: it was my birthday this past month! I had a really great time unplugging for a bit, getting out of town, and finding peace on a lake in Idaho. As always, thank you so much for the presents. I got a couple of really exciting items, including a very fancy camera lens that I’ve been coveting for a couple of years. I love that so many of you keep me in mind and always send me gifts even when I am too busy to command you to do so. 😉
Late on getting me a lil something-something for my birthday? Send me a birthday present through Amazon, Throne, or YouPay.
In very birthday month fashion, I also broke my phone and had to rapidly replace it, lest I be away from all my adoring bitches for too long. The plus side is that now all my vlogs will be much crisper quality. The downside is that I…actually had to pay for it myself for the first time in several years?
Anyways, let’s resolve that. Here are some receipts for my phone expenses and a fun little reimbursement task for you to be of service: 880.92 and 69.26 for phone accessories. Send payment through Throne, YouPay, or directly to my accounts if you are privileged enough to have access to my direct payment apps.
The dungeon build is finally chugging along! After two years of delays, permits, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and more money than I’d care to admit, I’ve finally broken ground and started building. It’s moving along a lot faster than I expected! Things took a break shortly after starting when I realized my architectural plans did not account for vaulted ceilings, and if you know anything about me, you know I love to whip…so of course I needed to revise that.
And voila! I can throw whips in here without getting it entirely caught on some light fixture or piece of furniture. I can’t throw my longer whips, but hey, something is better than nothing!
I’m very excited that my dreams are finally formalizing in a concrete sort of way (hehe), but of course, there’s a lot more work to be done. It’s an expensive project that I am entirely financing on my own, and I would love any and all help along the way. You can financially contribute on my Throne, YouPay, or directly to my payment apps if you have access to them.
On the kinkier side of things, this past week, one of my dear sissies drove over two hours just to give me a three hour massage. She’s a trained masseuse, bodyworker, and doctor, and I was so pleased to get my body worked on for so long. These are forms of service I adore — me getting pampered, and you going out of your way to serve.
I’ve been exploring more domestic service and true servitude in my sessions lately as well. When I came into Domination, I was very set on being the three-ring-circus, gear-heavy, technically skilled sort of Dominatrix. I wanted all the bells and whistles and the most complex scene you could ever imagine. I wanted to create fucked up predicament bondage scenes straight out of Hellraiser with the sadism to match.
I think part of this was me having a strong desire to prove myself. While I still love complex, technical scenes — I am an engineer and architect at my core — I no longer feel the need to show what I am capable of. I know I am extraordinarily talented (I mean, just look at some of my bondage scenes) and I have the reputation to boot, so this is my season of zen. I have started to view Domination through the lens of simplicity. How can I move about the least while having the greatest impact as a Domme? There is so much power in withholding, being reserved, and allowing the tension of the moment to speak for the scene.
I think about this quote from Hokusai a lot:
From the age of six I had a mania for drawing the shapes of things. When I was fifty I had published a universe of designs. But all I have done before the age of seventy is not worth bothering with. At seventy-five I’ll have learned something of the pattern of nature, of animals, of plants, of trees, birds, fish and insects. When I am eighty you will see real progress. At ninety I shall have cut my way deeply into the mystery of life itself. At one hundred, I shall be a marvellous artist. At 110, everything I create; a dot, a line, will jump to life as never before.
Anyway, not to wax too poetic about it, but it brings me back to Domination within the everyday. How can I elevate the most mundane and turn it into an intensely powerful Femdom scene? Or in layman’s terms, how can I make people doing nonsexual chores for me the most submissive thing ever?
A little housekeeping:
- I had an interview for IWantClips’ blog, IWantBlog, this past month! Check it out here, and of course, you can find all my other interviews on the Press page or
- I have a new Twitter account! The old one is shadowbanned to all hell (and illegal to view in Singapore, apparently???), so I’ve been putting high value content on the new account. The old account will still be used for video and blog updates.
Finally, if this blog has made you inconceivably horny, I’d love to chat with you about it. Shoot me a text or chat with me on my fanclub and tell me what got your motor running.
Until next time, dweebs!
x An Li