Some of you may have heard me waxing poetic about my new mentee. Some of you may have even met them already. And for those of you who aren’t in the know already, it’s time for you to know them. Say hello to Io Moon.

I’ve been having a blast training Io (pronounced Ai-Oh) for the past couple of months, and those of you who know me know that I am meticulously thorough. Hours upon hours spent training them the million ways to hit a person, tie someone up, poke holes in them, and get in their minds… and I’m so pleased to announce that we are finally open for sessions together. Needless to say, I am proud of how far they’ve come in the past couple of months, and I’d love for you to experience this new powerhouse in scene with me.
Here are a couple of ways you can participate:
- Voyeur session with Io Moon: +100/h
Are you an exhibitionist who craves the laughter of another Alpha Femme? Do you want more photos and videos of us in scene? Both of these are a great option to explore a voyeuristic scene with Io watching the both of us. Io’s participation would range from quiet observer/camera person to occasional comments — whichever suits the scene the most.
If you’d like to film the entire scene, please note that that would be at an increased tribute contingent on the scene. - Training session with Io Moon: +300/h
Much like a standard double session, but I’ll occasionally stop and explain and teach along the way. Io is already quite proficient in most things, so consider this a less-formal version of a double session with emphasis on training and learning. If you love to be a test subject, this is for you. - Double session with Io Moon: +400/h
The full double-Domme experience with the pride and joy of my tutelage! As you guys know, I love multi-Domme scenes. I’m excited for all of you to experience the giggly joy of Io in a double scene together.
And as all of you know, you can apply here. I’ve updated my contact form to include them as an add-on.
Can’t wait for you to meet Io Moon. I’m a proud Daddy.
x An Li